Monday, August 24, 2015

ES-Say #31 Yeah, I reeeeealy needed that Beatles mug...Not!

This past Sunday, I went to the city for lunch with family. I had mentioned that I wanted to visit a clothing shop for some sports-related clothing and it was agreed among everyone that my purchases could be made on the way home. It happened to be raining, but I happened to spot novelty items outside another shop that were getting drenched in a bin. It was this little unofficial nugget in the center below...  
I walked past the bin rather quickly but I knew it was a Beatles coffee mug. During lunch, I said that I wanted to buy the mug I saw as well because "I neeeeded it". Everyone at the lunch table either laughed, rolled their eyes (or both). By the time I returned to the store, the several identical mugs were pretty dusty and slightly damp but for £.99($1.50) I sure as heck decided to buy two.

My idea was to keep one and sell the other on Ebay. I checked Ebay while I was on the train home and saw that tons of Beatles mugs (hundreds) were listed and not really selling. I found a listing for the same one I had but then I couldn't find it listed at all when I got home. Needless to explain, I put one of the mugs up on ebay and it's not selling. I'm not disappointed for two reasons a) the original price of the mug was £9.99($15) b) I can just add it to the pile and hope to have a Beatles-themed tea party!  (I'm humming a lyric from Lovely Rita as I'm typing).

This particular mug is obviously unofficial because it's not an Apple licensed product or subsidiary. It can't even say "Beatles" on it, but repeats the composite picture twice and calls the lads by their other moniker "The Fab Four". Well, after knowing that I don't even have to go to a record show to find some odd merchandise I reeeally need to "get back" to the city after that money tree in my backyard starts growing again.

Note: This blog was a bit uneventful but a new edition in my collection. I apologise for the obvious puns.
I'd like to thank my 10-15 loyal readers for still reading my blogs and I've stuck this new promo on Periscope and YouTube. Gotta keep the self promotion, uh promoting? finally, did you know You Tube stars now have best-selling (or available) books? How many lifetimes will it take me? *eye roll*

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