We all have our favourite songs from musicians. The Beatles and Paul McCartney have so many great songs, it's often difficult to pick favourites. I'm going to try to list my favorite McCartney solo song releases at the moment.
Maccameri's Top 15 favourite McCartney songs (that got changed to 19 songs plus one that doesn't count)
1. Maybe I'm Amazed- first stand out track from McCartney(1970), is a great reminder to his range and talents with crafting a song. It never gets old
2. Temporary Secretary- From McCartney II(1980). Experimental for the time, the wordplay is nearly a Rap. Just can't get enough of that new 80s sound.
3. Band On The Run(1973)- I've often wanted to give "it all away to a registered charity". The best example of a song that lifted Wings to the forfront of the 1970s rock scene.
4. Say Say Say- I kind of remember this song being a huge hit in 1983 for Michael Jackson duetting along with some guy helping him go "ooh ooh ooh say say say."(I was only 6). Took about 30 years to figure out the lyric went "just look at my face, these tears aint drying" but still love it.
5. Goodnight Tonight- My interest with this song takes too long to explain. Here's a video that might
turn you off from wanting to know about why I like it.
6. No More Lonely Nights- In 1984, if a flop movie didn't come attached to this song, maybe it wouldn't be so underated and actually have climbed higher in the charts than #2(UK) and #6(US). George Martin worked his beatles-ese producer magic for one of the best songs of the 80s.
7. Let 'em In(1976)- A song that has a similar feel to Paul Simon's "50 Ways To Leave Your Lover". I was convinced as a little girl that there was a mob of people entering someone's front door and one of them was my very own "Auntie" whom managed to get inside. These people were relentless enough for soul singer Billy Paul, to continue to list additional important people in his own version. Unforgettable tune (which forced Paul to move when he ran out of living space, I'm assuming..)
8. Hope Of Deliverance- From Off The Ground(1993). I think I saw the video on NBC's Friday Night Videos. Shortly after I bought the album and McCartney was on my radar as a solo artist.
9. Appreciate- the "New"(2013) CD had released several songs with videos that would quickly get bumped from the public consciousness in favour of releasing another single from the album. I can't be expected to ignore a Paul dancing with a Robot named Newman in the "Appreciate" video. The song is embedded in my head and I sing it proudly(...while thinking of a robot).
10. I'm Gonna Be A Wheel Someday- Sounds great when the Fats Domino cover has been performed live, as I think I've not heard the studio version recorded for Chobba B CCCP (1988). One of the better 1950's cover versions within the McCartney catalogue.
11. Beware My Love- The B-Side to "Let 'em in'"(1976) demands to be a double "A" side. I had to take days to download it on my 1990s computer before Itunes came along. I think the song was so rocking it broke my dial up. My mother might have said back then "Stop playing that 'whatever loud screamin'-'s a Beatle?"
12. Getting Closer- Paul sings "I'm getting". And so, the Back To The Egg(1979) continues to be another underrated gem in my collection.
13. Soley- Why is this song not performed anymore? Why can't Paul scream an octave higher anymore? We can blame a lot of songs. I blame this 1974 one with it's "cat in satin trousers said it's oily" lyric slammed together to sound more like "TheCatInSatInSatItSoil" Only Paul McCartney!
14. Once Upon And Long Ago- The 'Press To Play'(1986) track got put on the greatest hits Lp, 'All The Best', a year later and released as a single. Is it really now considered another Christmas entry?
I really don't care, it's a great ballad anytime. I don't want to talk about overblown Mull Of Kintyre after discovering this one, though.
15. CMoon- Nothing is bad about this song. It's classic. I'm singing it now and I'm looking to play it right now. (yes, right now).
(Resume with the songs forgotten to be named)
*16. Junior's Farm- #16 was almost Jet but Junior's Farm stomped it's foot. (Don't question this explanation, it's simply wonderful).
*17. Coming Up- Any live version like, Last Flight(1979) or Tripping The Live Fantastic(1990). I don't really like the McCartney II studio version which tries too hard.
*18. Ou Est Le Soleil- first heard it from the bonus Japanese track from "Flowers In The Dirt". Even if I didn't like the dance track, I can't forget its loop. Get the vinyl out.
*19. Brown Eyed-Handsome Man- highly danceable song even before the 1999 video instructs everyone to move. I can't remember many other cover tracks from its CD "Run Devil Run" except this one.
& finally *20, the truth is, I actually wrote up this list on paper and listed "Cmoon" again!
I guess I've chosen a favorite song. But *20 has been re-assigned to "With A Little Luck"(1977)- the London Town LP Version.
All the video/songs in this list can be found here
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