Thursday, February 11, 2016

ES-Say #60 OH YEAH! Paul's love is now in (line) for Skype
An Official Paul McCartney "Sticker" for Skype competitor, Line(above)

Popular Microsoft-owned webcam/chat service, Skype, boasts that Paul McCartney has added Mojis exclusively for Valentine's Day. Paul's official website), has dutifully released a press statement about this project. However cute this idea is- basically new recording of musical love-themed sound effects for Skype users to jazz up their chat discussions with friends, I call a bit of veggie bologna. My argument is not with McCartney, per se, but with the claim on his official Facebook page that " Paul has teamed up with Skype to compose the music for the world’s first Audio Mojis"

World's first Audio Mojis? I don't have the time to check if that statement is true, but even if it is, who cares? We are talking about something that isn't really pioneering enough to stick on a CV. In a way, it's like standing on your head, naked, in your shower, while whistling "Band On The Run". Nobody has done that yet, but they can, and that would be a "World's First" also. Maybe I'm wrong but a couple months ago, using Skype, I found Muppet Mojis on the site. For example, I sent a Miss Piggy one, where for two seconds you hear "Kissy Kissy" and see a short video clip of the Muppet.

Credited as "Love Mojis- Music by Paul McCartney" are found first in the Mojis Skype section. There are ten animated cartoons to choose from, ranging from a bouquet-giving Moose to a Sumo Wrestler Cupid. It's impressive that Paul can be heard vocally & using a Moog synthesizer. Yet, because these Mojis are meant to be presented as sound clips, each one is only about five seconds in length. Technically, it IS "new music" from Paul but the charm of this was the time constraint requirement of the project. In fact, some of it, like the Flirting!(Banana), is basically Paul instrumentally jamming on a few notes. The whole thing feels like a teaser for possible new songs in the future!
                                            A 2015 "Sound Sticker" for the Line App
But, as far as a "World's First" accomplishment for Skype, maybe due to the original animation specially designed for the app, this is something they haven't tried. It isn't the first audio clip(or Mojis) available. Also, who remembers the app recording Paul did for Skype competitor, Line, all the way back, last year? I'll let Paul tell you all how ground breaking that was too. Click Here-Paul Voices New Sound Stickers On Line

Maybe the powers that be, should tweak these "World's First" declarations with Skype to be "World's first audio moijs that are absolutely free!" That's right, despite the several hundreds you spent on your home computer, you no longer have to shell out the £1.49($2.25) for the Asian-based Line Sound(Audio-call it what you like) Paul McCartney in-app stickers! ROCK & ROLL!**

I love that Paul McCartney always wants to be fresh and try new things, but maybe not everything needs a fanfare.

Not Saying Anything to Paul McCartney has a Facebook Group, which you are always welcome to join, it's fun, informative and now nearing 76 members here

**If you want to spend some money on "Chat with Paul McCartney" on Line- or test it out the audio absolutely free...


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