ES-Say #53 The Paul McCartney Sweepstakes And The Chances Of My Winning...
To be fair, most famous musicians, will hold contests through websites to win various prizes related to them. Concert tickets, signed CDs, opportunities to meet a star; the list is endless. Paul McCartney's website from time to time will hold contests for his fans. Nothing out of the ordinary about offering prizes. If your tech-savy and\or talented, this might help to get noticed among the masses of people whom have entered. The type of contests this would work well in would be an artwork or a video related contest.
This year, I won a writing contest for McCartney concert tickets. Despite the fact, I wrote one sentence, I still won based on my writing ability. This makes me feel great! However, if I tried to enter a couple of his recent contests, with a colouring entry or myself singing "Say Say Say" on a video, I'm afraid I wouldn't be so lucky. Off-key singing and basic colouring skills do not give me a shot in the dark. (I'd like to keep my dignity, thank you very much.)
The "Say Say Say" contest seemed to be geared for a younger audience(not alive in 1983) or computer geniuses. Similarly, McCartney has had photo entry contests before, but I've given up on those also. I may have gotten offended that my beautiful selfie entry could not get me a casting call for the "Queenie Eye" video. Without tons of complaining, I have come to the understanding that, due to the types of contests on offer, it's best to stick with random lotteries or writing-based entries.
I did consider that the recent colouring contest, based on chosen black outlines to color in, might have been triggered by the recent adult-coloring book craze. Even though it didn't seem that difficult to enter, the winners were chosen through artistic creativity, but ultimately this was a fad-based contest. I really didn't mind not entering, partially due to having to spend time looking for crayons at home. Maybe when "creative scrapbooking" becomes the basis of a contest, I'll pull out my glue sticks.
There are often "auction" based contests with Paul. Recently, he auctioned off his jewlery box and, a separate auction contained a signed rocking horse. These types of contests are "purchase required" entries. As many people have bid, unless I get a second and third type of employment, I, too could make a worthy charity extremely happy. I would also have to ignore that a similar jewlery box is available for £15 and not the thousands of pounds donated that would lead to bankruptcy. Auctions are really limited to those with high incomes. While I think charity is about what your comfortably able to give and not an amount that will place you in need of financial help(possibly from another charity.)
While it still exists, going on the radio to be selected as the random caller for a McCartney prize is slightly outdated. Email- based contests is where it's at. As I've mentioned, entering contests is not always a successful means of winning a prize. But, honestly, when I won those tickets based on my own words, the gallizion contests I didn't win were quickly forgotten.
(Unless you count that time I didn't win the random lottery to see Paul at the BBC and Sean Of The Dead's Simon Pegg, miraculously got himself into the fan-only taping...I'll just let that one go...not!)
Tis the season to be Meri(see what I did there). The blog welcomes your letters, in any language, except Klingon. Thank you to our international audience because I love you(I say this sober). Please check addition ES-Say's to join our updates on Twitter and Facebook. Now go listen to a Paul McCartney holiday song, it's December!
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