The Case of The Missing ES-Says- A Polite Notice
Not Saying Anything To Paul McCartney would like to be Frank. You can be whomever you want, but I'm "Frank." Or you might know me by my birth name. I'm too tired to ask if you actually know my name, but I'm definitely not male. I am a grown woman who is extremely angry that three years of my blog is missing.
How could this possibly happen? I blame myself due the fact I didn't know what was going on when it came to this blog. This blog has been visited at least 23,000+ times since 2014, so I feel that I owe it to my actual readers(maybe 13,000 Americans with internet access) to be honest about why I have dropped the usual topics of the ES-Says. When I realised that many blogs had been deleted, I assumed I deleted it. I had returned from a hospital stay and was making many snap decisions.I'd like to thank Tracey from Australia for agreeing to moderate in my absence. I couldn't ask for a better moderator. But, I know she knows I have the final say on Facebook Group content on "Not Saying Anything To Paul McCartney 'Fun Club'"
I created a second facebook group, you might want to check it out, it's called "Paul McCartney Fan News London." It took about 20 mins to decided on that name but I have decided what specific content is appropriate to appear in each of these groups. Each group also has a separate Facebook Page and all falls under my made-up company, RA LTD.
Rhodes Abode, Limited was started unofficially in 1999. I taught myself HTML around that time and created my first website at Brooklyn College, using a free web hosting site called "GEOCITIES."(A very popular platform at the time. The website was called "Glamour Tiger Baby Junkie" and was a photo heavy website featuring Nick Rhodes and Simon Le Bon. I even had time to create two other sites within a couple years- "Duran Fanland" and "Tigger Taylor"(for John Taylor fans).
Yes, I had three Duran Duran related sites running all at the same time. I created subpages and all the other required links to get traffic to my sites. If you type "What Does GTBJ stand for?" on Google. The top website result from "The free dictionary" says "Glamour Tiger Baby Junkie(blog)" So, Rhodes Abode, LTD must have done something right.
"Duran Fanland" was taken down after an unpleasant comment on the site told me to "drop dead." I was about 23 years old when I got cyber bullied and decided to focus more attention on GTBJ Blog (1999-present, third version). For awhile, I was the only website in the world that had successfully cornered the market on every time Nick or Simon farted. It was definitely up-to-date, original, and respected in the fan community. The band, however, allowed myself, through typing letters to their publicist to ask for permission to use and credit photos that I found online. They have not let this publicity person go but she eventually used to just send blank emails that just said either "OK" or "YES." This communication never lead to any official acknowledgement on the main official Duran Duran website links section, but it was created in the first place to have a visual experience to feature my favourite pictures of Nick and Simon.
Tigger Taylor is long gone, simply because I wasn't that into John Taylor, the default fan favourite or the "Paul McCartney" member of Duran Duran during the second American British Invasion. IMHO, stands for IM[A]HO or "In My Humble Opinion," Duran Duran were the most successful early 1980s band simply down to looks and ability to play instruments. They were christened by the press as "The Fab Five" and the other british groups could not be as commercial successful but got grouped into the new wave scene. Duran Duran had healthy competition from Culture Club, Wham!, and The Eurythmics but they had a stronger fan base that insisted on plastering their walls with more photos of Duran Duran than most of the other groups. There are still fans to this day who claim they in fact are the "True Duranies" despite anyone telling them differently.
Due to their embracing MTV as a new way to sell music and blow up the radio station request line throughout the entire 50 states of America. The young audience went ballistic for the five lads from Birmingham. These fans were at an age where their hippie parents on camera, told the public "It's like Beatlemania all over again" It is argued that the Second British Invasion never led to a Third Invasion(Unless you count Blur and Oasis) mostly due to modern day teen sensations being strictly singing sensations. Spice Girls, One Direction, JLS, N'Sync, Backstreet Boys, and now in 2019, BTS are not known for any proficiency in playing instruments and are not organic. Many of the hottest groups since Oasis were cherry-picked from reality television or created by management teams. (Speak to the people who are the actual "Milli Vanilli" they will explain the singing trickery better than I can).
Right- So as I consider myself to be a Second-Generation Beatle fan. I decided to start Not Saying Anything To Paul McCartney as a blog that would feature reviews, opinions, and other various topics that involved Paul McCartney's career from a fans perspective. Recently, the blow of losing my ES-Says has had me take inventory as to what I want to do going forward.
As a general rule, my website is usually family-friendly to read but we do not talk about children related to Sir Paul under the age of 18. (I've had this policy with all of my blogs due to wanting appropriate content to be a main focus. Same policy goes for not featuring the Paparazzi photos unless the person is aware that they are being photographed*)
HTML and I have parted ways, but I am considering creating other projects in the future.
I hope you will come along with our journey into the unknown. Come Rain or Come Shine, something is definitely "Coming Up."
PS. If anyone can tell NSATPM why "The Paul McCartney" bought shares in the Green Bay Packers this month after being the fourth only big concert event to play in the Football Stadium this month, we would be greatly appreciative...
* If you remember that Paul McCartney flipped the bird to the Paps while on vacation earlier this year, that would be an example of photos allowed to be shown.